Tasmanian Transport Council
ABN 65 801 033 601
Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming an individual Member or an Association Member
Membership with the Tasmanian Transport Council:
Offers the Combined strength of all transport operator organisations in Tasmania so that the Tasmanian Transport Industry can offer a united front and speak with a single voice on any and all matters affecting transport in Tasmania.
Provide a forum for the Tasmanian Transport Industry to discuss problems and matters of common interest and concern and promote ideas for the benefit of the industry.
Liaise with key Government transport agencies, both Tasmanian and National, to ensure the best interest of TTC members and the Tasmanian Transport Industry as a whole are achieved
Act in the best interests of the Transport Industry in Tasmania to create desirable safety, business, and economic, legal, environmental and social outcomes
Promote the Transport Industry so that potential professional and well-trained persons will have access to long-term career opportunities in Tasmania.
Types of Membership
Individual Members - hold no voting rights
Association Membership Fee - Entitles you to two votes and a second member at each meeting.
Individual Membership Fee: $100
Association Membership Fee: $400
Yearly Membership with Renewal due by 30 Jun of the Current Year
Membership Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable
To apply for membership, simply complete the applicable application form below